Donations for Bhakti Festival

Thank you from the heart

Free donations

Thank you for your donation and for your generosity from Centro Spirituale di Pace Haidakhandi and Bhakti Festival. You can also set a recurrent PayPal donation, to keep supporting CSPH and Bhakti Festival also in the future.

With PayPal you can make your donations safely using your PayPal account or, if you do not have one, simply using your credit card. The Bhakti Festival website uses an SSL certificate, and the PayPal platform has high standards of transaction security.

Please contact the Hairakhandi Peace Spiritual Center for any detail about Bhakti Festival and ashram hospitality. Use the form here below or the complete info that can be found at the contact page.

Om Namaha Shivaya.
Bhole Baba Ki Jay!

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